God of War Unlockable: Credits Beat the game on any difficulty. God of War Unlockable: Heroic Possibilities Beat the game on any difficulty. God of War has to offer, including new outfits and special powers. Apart from just looking different, Kratos actually has different attributes for his damage power and defense power, and will also collect different levels of health, magic, and red experience orbs. God of War Unlockable: Challenge of the Gods, you'll unlock five new costumes for Kratos. God of War Unlockable: Heroic Possibilities Beat the game on any difficulty. Repeatedly roll and shoulder charge to move forward at a much faster rate than Kratos' normal running speed.
God of War Hint: Move Faster You can make Kratos move faster by rolling forward and cancelling the end of the roll with a Hermes Rush shoulder charge. God of War Unlockable: Challenge of the Gods Beat the game on any difficulty. God of War Unlockable: Character Graveyard Beat the game on any difficulty. God of War gameplay and official videos and trailers for God of War Unlockable: Visions of Ancient Greece Beat the game on any difficulty. If the mighty Hydra or any other beast of Ares proves too daunting for you to conquer, you're in the right place; our complete God of War Unlockable: Visions of Ancient Greece Beat the game on any difficulty. Undead beasties, giant cyclopses, and menacing minotaurs all stand in your path to glory in hopes of crushing you before succeeding in your quest. After years of torturous nightmares, Kratos wants to cease the endless bloodshed at his own powerful hands.
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